Infographic: Consumer Psychology & Ecommerce Checkout
Written by OpencartNews in Inspirations on March 24, 2014 | 2 Comments

There is lot of aspect to considere to operate successful ecommerce site. Just like the real world, ecommerce can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Vouchercloud infographic help us to understand psychological aspect to lead visitor into customer.
The infographic also dives into ecommerce design, product reviews, checkout abandonment statistics, coupons and deals, shipping, and payment and security.
2 Comments on "Infographic: Consumer Psychology & Ecommerce Checkout"
Nice work!!I do agree there are many factors that need to consider operating successful eCommerce site one of which is focusing on what’s interesting to consumers. I appreciate you for this wonderful infographic. Thanks for sharing!
Good post which describes on consumer psychology and eCommerce checkout. There are so many things to consider for taking a consumer to “Thank You” page. Thanks for mentioning it in awesome infographic. easy to observe it.
Keep going with such reader related contents