OpenCart released!
Written by OpencartNews in News on May 29, 2015 | No comments

It’s been 8 month since release of OpenCart 2, but the stability for production ready is still questionable. OpenCart was planned to release on 27 May, 2015 but cancelled and decided to release
Regardless of the new features that highlighted on OpenCart announcement, the most important worth to highlight is:
- Installer language
- Add to cart
- Order edit
- Google recaptcha
- Mail hostname
Bugs fix on list above is important for daily usages and operating OpenCart store. For complete changelog, you can read the information here.
OpenCart still have some bugs, but it’s already good to use as development base. If OpenCart development team is not prioritizing added more new features and concentrating on bugs fix, we might see OpenCart 2 production-ready soon.